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AquaSave's Vision and the Network State

AquaSave embodies a future-forward vision that aligns with the emerging concept "Network State."   The network state is a new kind of polity that is decentralized, networked, and formed based on shared objectives and values, often facilitated by technology and online coordination. In this context, AquaSave can be viewed as more than just a company, it represents a proto-network state dedicated to the stewardship of the world’s water resources.

Key Aspects of AquaSave's Approach


At the core of the network state is the principle of decentralization, a fundamental aspect of AquaSave’s business model. By utilizing decentralized technologies like blockchain and IoT, AquaSave empowers individuals and communities to actively participate in water management. This technology allows for the collection and sharing of data without relying on centralized systems, creating a more resilient and distributed approach to water stewardship.

Digital Coordination

AquaSave leverages digital platforms to coordinate efforts across its network, much like a network state would coordinate its citizens.   Through its app and web platform, users around the globe can connect, share data, and engage in collective actions aimed at conserving water and ensuring its sustainable use. These platforms serve as the digital infrastructure for AquaSave’s decentralized community.

Shared Objectives

The network state is built around a shared goal or set of values. For AquaSave, this shared objective is the sustainable management and conservation of water. By aligning with this mission, individuals and organizations become part of AquaSave’s network, contributing to a greater cause and working towards a common good that transcends traditional national boundaries.

Data Empowerment

Just as a network state would use data to inform its policies and governance, AquaSave uses real-time data to empower its users to make informed decisions regarding water use. This information is critical for both individuals looking to manage their water footprint and governments aiming to implement sustainable water policies.

Economic Model

AquaSave introduces an economic layer to its model with the use of AquaCoin (AQC), similar to how a network state might have its cryptocurrency.   This not only incentivizes participation but also facilitates investment in water initiatives and the trading of water footprint certificates, creating a circular economy focused on water conservation.

Networked Community

Like the citizens of a network state, AquaSave’s users form a global community bound by the shared mission of preserving water. This community is not defined by geography but by collective action and mutual interests in water sustainability, paving the way for a new kind of global citizenship.


The foundation of a network state is innovation, and AquaSave's model thrives on continuous research and development. By pushing the boundaries of technology and exploring new ways to manage water resources, AquaSave is contributing to the foundational layers of what might one day support a network state focused on environmental sustainability.

Economic Potential and Technological Adaptation

We are at the beginning of a new paradigm regarding the conceptualization of money, with great economic potential in the new digital world. This requires institutions and corporations to adapt to a new technological landscape with perspectives and functionalities previously unknown to the market. The emergence of cryptocurrencies not only represents a new reality for the financial system but also for other sectors, enabling the creation of new use cases that transform civilization.

Its great potential lies in financing green projects and other urgent needs for climate action, generating substantial liquidity funds that guarantee transaction transparency and traceability, thereby increasing investor confidence and participation. Thus, this technology enables the creation of more efficient policies compared to current green bonds or traditional forms of financing, which involve a lot of bureaucracy and rely on retrospective data that takes years to generate and verify.

Blockchain Technology

Among its peculiarities, blockchain technology allows the conversion of data into immediately tradable assets through automatic and near-instant settlement between peers, as well as the definition of unique digital units of any magnitude or value. As a digital medium of exchange, cryptocurrencies facilitate more efficient and secure transaction issuance. Furthermore, they provide the ability to create incentive-based economies. This capital market also has the potential to foster innovation and the development of sustainable solutions for the management of freshwater, which could have significant benefits for both the environment and communities that rely on water for their subsistence and well-being. Moreover, being based on blockchain technology and accessible through a crypto community, this market could enable the participation of a wide range of actors, including individuals, non-profit organizations, businesses, and governments. Ultimately, cryptocurrencies can be a useful tool for promoting collaboration, coordination, and engagement among different stakeholders in the fight against climate change and the promotion of more sustainable practices, as well as common climate goals worldwide.

In the vision of AquaSave, the future is a network of interconnected, digitally empowered communities actively managing the planet’s water resources in a decentralized yet harmonious manner. This not only mirrors the philosophy of the network state but expands upon