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AquaBank Saver: Enhancing the AquaSave Ecosystem


Are we aware of the water we waste in our daily domestic use?

Do you know that on average we wait 2 minutes for hot water to come out of the shower? Do you know that keeping the tap running for 2 minutes is equivalent to wasting 40 liters of water, which means an annual waste of almost 15,000 liters just while waiting for the water to heat up? Do you know that if only 1% of the population avoided this waste, cities like London would fill a soccer stadium like Wembley annually? What would you think if someone told you that there is a solution to avoid this waste (and much more) in the use of domestic hot water?

AquaBank Saver as a solution

The AquaBank device is an integral part of the AquaSave ecosystem, engineered to enhance domestic water conservation efforts and to optimize water usage efficiency. It incorporates a blend of sophisticated technologies and functionalities, ensuring seamless integration with the broader ecosystem, including the Solana blockchain infrastructure.

AquaBank represents a revolutionary innovation in the realm of sustainability and water use efficiency, serving as the central hub of the innovative AquaSave project. This device is an advanced evolution of the successful AquaReturn appliance, which has been designed and marketed for over a decade by the eponymous company.

In collaboration with AquaReturn, co-founder of AquaSave, AquaBank has been developed as the smart and more advanced version of this device. AquaBank incorporates cutting-edge technologies for efficient and conscious water management:

Key Technologies

Wireless Communication

Essential for integration into the Internet of Things (IoT), it facilitates data transmission and a more intuitive interaction with the device. AquaBank utilizes:

  • BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy): Allows connection with the device via a mobile app for configurations and updates, in addition to provide detailed incident reports.
  • WiFi: Enables the transmission of data, as well as remote control of the device through the mobile app or virtual assistants like Alexa.
  • LoRaWAN: Ensures connectivity in areas where access to WiFi networks is limited, using the Helium network to offer global coverage.

Advanced Sensorization

This functionality transforms the perception and management of water consumption, making users more aware of their impact:

  • Flow and Temperature Sensors: Allow for sending personalized recommendations to promote more efficient water use.
  • Pressure and Water Quality Sensors: Facilitate the early detection of leaks and deficiencies in the supply, ensuring not only savings but also the sustainability of the water resource.

Automatic Advantages of the Equipment

Fault Alert System

If due to a technical issue with the boiler, running out of gas, or the water heater being unplugged, the AquaBank Saver detects no hot water within 10 minutes, it will automatically stop recirculating to avoid wasting water. If the temperature approaches but doesn’t reach 98°F, it will add an extra 5 minutes to the recirculation cycle to accommodate homes that take longer to provide hot water. If still unsuccessful, it will advertise to alert of the malfunction.

Automatic Bypass

If there is a power outage while the device is active, AquaBank Saver will automatically adjust its internal water circuit to the default setting as if it were not installed, ensuring water flow is not blocked.

Forgetfulness Protection

If by oversight you leave the hot water faucet open in the sink where AquaBank Saver is installed and leave, the device will automatically shut off the water. This does not affect your ability to take showers or baths elsewhere in the bathroom or house for any duration.